Pope Francis: Let us imitate Simeon and Anna, pilgrims of hope
By Christopher Wells
Despite the cancellation of Wednesday morning’s General Audience, Pope Francis continues to teach from his hospital room, with the Vatican releasing the prepared text of the Pope’s catechesis.
Continuing the catechetical cycle on “Jesus Christ, our hope”, the Holy Father reflects on the mystery of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple forty days after His birth. The Presentation demonstrates Mary and Joseph’s obedience to Jewish Law, and show them not only “integrating” Jesus into a family, a people, and a covenant, but also caring for His growth as they themselves grow “in their comprehension of a vocation that far surpasses them”.
Pope Francis then turns his attention to the two other figures present in the Temple: the elderly Simeon and Anna.
A witness of faith, hope, and love
Simeon, longing for the fulfilment of God’s promises to Israel, is inspired to take the Child Jesus in his arms and is consoled at seeing the Saviour of Israel. He expresses his feelings “in a canticle full of heartfelt gratitude, which in the Church has become the prayer at the end of the day”: the Nunc dimittis, which begins, “Now, O Lord, you let your servant go in peace, according to your word…”
Simeon, the Pope said, is “a witness of faith received as a gift and communicated to others; ... a witness of the hope that does not disappoint; ... a witness of God’s love, which fills the human heart with joy and peace”.
Hope rekindled in our hearts
Alongside Simeon, Anna, a widow entirely dedicated to service and prayer, also sees salvation in the Child Jesus. At the sight of the Child, the Pope explained, “Anna celebrates the God of Israel, who has redeemed His people in that very Child, and tells others about Him, generously spreading the prophetic word”.
Pope Francis continued, “The song of redemption of two elders thus emits the proclamation of the Jubilee for all the people and for the world. Hope is rekindled in hearts in the Temple of Jerusalem because Christ our hope has entered it”.
Pilgrims of hope
Pope Francis concluded his reflection by inviting the faithful to imitate Simeon and Anna, “these pilgrims of hope”, who are able to see beyond appearances “who know how to welcome God’s visit with joy and rekindle hope in the hearts of brothers and sisters”.
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